LCM Associate Commitment Ceremony for Carole Holloman – Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
June 6, 2024 | Uncategorized

After completing the Associate Journey Program over the past twelve months, Carole Holloman expressed her commitment via Zoom as an Associate on 21 May 2024.  Carole was supported by Sister Raye Boyle, Region Leadership Member, and Sisters Catherine Morrison and Helena Kearns at 11 St Mary’s Court, Nazareth Community of Care, Christchurch, and was joined by her brother, Clyde “Aussie”, a resident of Christchurch.  Sister Kathleen Cotterill, Region Leader, Sister Helen Kelly, Region Leadership Member, Beverley Neill, Associate Coordinator, several LCM Sisters, and Associates from Sydney, Melbourne, Wagga Wagga, Melbourne and Sri Lanka were present online to celebrate this significant and special occasion with Carole.