"Lord our God, how majestic
is your name in all the Earth!
You have set your
glory in the heavens"
Psalm 8:1
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Prayer Room
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Prayers for the Dying with Venerable Mary Potter Founder of the Little Company of Mary:
Loving Father, by your boundless love for every person, Have mercy on the dying. Compassionate…
March 21, 2023
Prayers for the Dying with Venerable Mary Potter Founder of the Little Company of Mary:

Loving Father, by your boundless love for every person,

Have mercy on the dying.

Compassionate Father, by the love you have for Mary the Mother of your Son Jesus,

Pardon the sins committed in life by those who are now dying.

Jesus, by your redeeming love,

Bring the dying to fullness of life.

Jesus, by the love you have for the heart of your Mother,

Have pity on the dying.

Spirit of God, longing to draw the suffering into a life of grace,

Bring them to your healing presence.

Loving Spirit of God, Advocate and Comforter,

Have mercy on the dying.

Mary, by the love you have for all people,

Pray God’s mercy for the dying.

Mary, by your fervent prayers on Calvary for the dying,

Intercede for them.

Holy Angels, by the love you have for those entrusted to your care,

Protect all  in need.

Saints of God, by the love you have for us,

Help those who are nearing the end of life’s journey.

Mary, through the suffering you have endured on Calvary.

Pray God’s mercy for the dying that they may receive the merits of your Son’s Precious Blood.

Jesus through your redeeming grace,

Bring all creation into the realm of your love.

Jesus, look with tenderness on all infants.

May each of these little ones, redeemed in love on Calvary, receive respect and live in fullness of life.

Loving God, through the intercession of Mary your Mother,

May the dying be strengthened by your gifts of hope, courage and peace.

In the companionship of Mary Potter,

We make these prayers through Christ our Lord.






March 21, 2023
Join us in Praying for the Dying:
Loving God I pray today for all people who are dying. Give to your loved…
January 29, 2023
Join us in Praying for the Dying:

Loving God
I pray today for all people
who are dying.
Give to your loved ones
peace as they let go of
their earthly life.
Comfort them and give
your strength to them.
Help them when they are
afraid and bring them through
death to the risen life of Christ
where they will be happy with
God forever.
Mary, mother of Jesus and
our mother pray for all God’s
dying people and bring them
safely into life everlasting.
Venerable Mary Potter pray
for the dying and be close
to them at the hour of
their death.


January 29, 2023
Prayer for the Dying: Venerable Mary Potter:
Mother Mary Potter – Foundress of the Little Company of Mary (with Ecclesiastical approval November…
January 29, 2023
Prayer for the Dying: Venerable Mary Potter:

Mother Mary Potter – Foundress of the Little Company of Mary (with Ecclesiastical approval November 1972)
Maternal Heart of Mary, more loving and suffering than the hearts of all mothers, implore God’s mercy for the dying, that sinners ere they die may be washed in the Precious Blood shed by the Son Jesus, Who made Himself their Brother. May God’s Spirit quicken their hearts by His love.
Jesus look with an eye of mercy upon all the infants born into the world today. Remember how You suffered and died on Calvary for them. Remember how Mary loves the souls for whom You shed Your Precious Blood. Bring to them the cleansing waters of baptism and save them.
Mother Mary, pray for thy children, Pray that God may take to Himself today souls now in His grace who tomorrow might sin.
O! Mother of Christians, Mother of mankind, since Jesus was born and died for all mankind, pray for all upon this earth that they may all indeed be thine by being Christ’s, that grace may be brought to all, that none may die without baptism, and that those who have lost the innocence given them in baptism may be cleansed by contrition and penance ere they die.  Mother, inspire thy children to imitate thee, to live a life of devotion to others, a life of love for God and man. May none in God’s Church stand idle all day, saying, “No man hath hired them;” but send them sweet Mother, into God’s vineyard, to work for the good Master Who has promised to those who work a reward so great.

January 29, 2023
Prayers for the Dying – Venerable Mary Potter (in Tongan):
Tamai  ‘Ofa,  ‘i  ho’o  ‘ofa  ta’e  fakangatangata ki  he  kakai  kotoa  pe, ‘Alo  ‘ofa  kiate…
January 29, 2023
Prayers for the Dying – Venerable Mary Potter (in Tongan):

Tamai  ‘Ofa,  ‘i  ho’o  ‘ofa  ta’e  fakangatangata

ki  he  kakai  kotoa  pe,

‘Alo  ‘ofa  kiate  kinautolu  ‘oku  tau’aki  kihe  mate.


Tamai  ‘oe  kaunga ongo’i,

‘ihe  ‘ofa  na’ake  ma’u  meia  Malia,

fa’e  ho  ‘Alo  ko  Sesu.

Fakamolemole’i  ‘ae  angahala  ‘akinautolu  kotoa  pe,

‘ihe  fai  fononga  ‘oe  mo’ui,’oku  nau  lolotonga  tau’aki

kihe  mate.


‘Otua  ‘ofa  ‘ihe  kole  ‘a  Malia  ho’o  fa’e.

Fakaloto  lahi’i  ‘akinautolu  ‘oku  tau’aki  kihe  mate  ‘aki’

ae  me’a’ofa  ‘oe  ‘Amanaki  Lelei, Loto  lahi  moe  Nonga


Sesu  ‘iho’o  ‘ofa  ‘oku  mo’ui.

‘Omai  ‘ae  tau’aki  kihe  mate, kihe  mo’ui  kakato  mo



Sesu  ‘ihe  ‘ofa  ‘oku  ke  ma’u  mei  he  mafu  ho’o  fa’e.

‘Ofa’i  ‘akinautolu  ‘oku  tau’aki  kihe  mate.


Sesu  ‘ihe  kakasia  fakamo’ui.

Ke  hoko  ‘ae  fakatupu  kotoa  pe,  ke  nau  a’usia  ‘ae

Tumutumu  ho’o  ‘ofa.


Sesu  ‘ofa’i   makehe  ‘ae  fanau  valevale.

Ke  hoko  ‘ae  ‘ofa  mo’ui  ‘o  Kalevale,  ke  nau  tali,

faka’apa’apa’i  ‘ae  mo’ui  kakato.


Hoholi  ‘ae  loto  kihe  kau  faingata’a’ia kenau,

ma’u  e  nonga ‘ihe  Laumalie  ‘oe  ‘Otua.

Fakamo’ui  kinautolu  ‘Eiki.


Laumalie  ‘Ofa  moe  Nonga  ‘ae  ‘Otua.

‘Alo  ‘ofa  kiate  kinautolu  kotoa  pe  ‘oku  tau’aki

kihe mate


Malia  ‘i  ho’o  ‘ofa  kihe  kakai  kotoa  pe

‘Alo’ofa  kiate  kinautolu  ‘oku  tau’aki  kihe  mate


‘I Kalevale  na’ake  lotua

‘ae  kakai  ‘oke  nau  tau’aki  kihe  mate

Hufia kinautolu.


Malia  ‘i ho’o  kataki’  moe  mamahi  ‘o  Kalevale.

Koe  Ta’ata’a  na’e  lilingi  ke  fakahaofi ‘aki  nautolu  ‘oku

faingata’a’ia  mo  tau’aki  kihe  mate.


Kau  Ma’oni’oni  ‘ae  ‘Otua  ‘iho’o  mou  ‘ofa.

Tokoni’i  ‘akinautolu  ‘oku  nau  ofi  mo  mei  a’u  e

fononga kihe  taulanga.


Kau  Angelo  ‘ae  ‘Otua,  ‘ihe  tauhi  moe  malu’i  ‘o

kimautolu ‘ihe  fononga  ‘anga.

Malu’i  kimautolu  ‘ihe  ’emau  fiema’u  kotoa  pe.

January 29, 2023